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State-of-the-Art Presentations
Vehicle System Dynamics in Digital Twin Studies in Rail and Road Domains
Maksym Spiryagin1
Johannes Edelmann2
Florian Klinger2
Colin Cole1

1 Centre for Railway Engineering, Central Queensland University, Building 70, Rockhampton, QLD 4701, Australia.
2 Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics, Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, TU Wien, Vienna, 1060, Austria.
Dynamics Performance of Long Combination Vehicles with Active Control Systems
Wei Huang1
Mehdi Ahmadian2
Amir Rahimi1
Luke Steiginga1

1 National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1V 1S2, Canada.
2 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, 24061, USA.
Force Sensors for Active Safety and Durability of Road Vehicles
Giampiero R. M. Mastinu1
Massimiliano Gobbi1

1 Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mechanical Engineering, via Giuseppe La Masa, 1, 20156 Milan, Italy.
Improved Curving Performance Using Unconventional Wheelset Guidance Design and Wheel-Rail Interface - Present and Future Solutions
Yoshihiro Suda1
Yohei Michitsuji2

1 Institute of Industrial Science, Mobility Innovation Collaborative Research Organization, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
2 Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Ibaraki University, Ibaraki, Japan.
Out-of-Round Railway Wheels and the Mechanisms of Wheel Polygonisation
Simon Iwnicki1
Jens Nielsen2
Gongquan Tao3

1 Institute of Railway Research, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield UK.
2 Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences / CHARMEC, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
3 State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, People's Republic of China.
Conference Questions
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